Talent transitions are inevitable. Being prepared is the best defense to ensure that your business strategy stays on track through leadership changes, whether anticipated…or not. By making succession planning part of your ongoing workforce forecasting process, you’ll be ready to react to change and sustain business continuity.

Does your business need to be more vigilant about what – and “who” – comes next? Let us help refresh and re-calibrate your plans so you remain resilient.

At TalentRISE, our partners have counseled many organizations through systematic succession planning, thereby efficiently and proactively managing retirements, voluntary or involuntary turnover or leadership team changes resulting from shifts in business strategy or mergers/acquisitions. Our past experiences inform our overall approach, which begins with analysis, assessments and a risk review. We then typically advocate both a short-term and long-term approach to develop internal and external solutions, including targeted executive search and recruitment.